Amazing Facts About Calories In Blueberries
By Darnell Visini
Much less known than other fruits, the amount of calories in blueberries and also their characteristics make this one of the wonder fruits. They are naturally found in the North American continent and have been present there since before colonization of the continent. In fact, they used to provide a warm relief to Native Americans as a smoking option during winter.
These fruits, according to history, used to be mixed and then boiled in milk by early Americans in order to be used to paint their houses grey. Mixed with milk, indigo and sage, they also used to produce the color blue for some houses as well. In the US, these fruits are quite popular. They come a close second only to another popular berry, the strawberry.
When frozen, the amount remains close to the fresh fruit per cup. The fruit can be frozen or thawed during consumption. The frozen fruit offers another great way to enjoy a snack while keeping the calorie and sugar intakes at a low level.
One amazing fact about this fruit is its content that includes antioxidant properties. These antioxidants include thocyanine and phonolics that are useful in getting rid of any toxins in the body. As such, the antioxidants help in fighting fat in the long run. This fruit also has a substance known as anthocyanine that actually gives it the dark blue color. This substance is essential in the antioxidant capabilities of the fruit as well as its ability to reduce inflammation.
An important point to note is that even the lowest calorie food is only good when it is in its natural state. The moment preservatives or other ingredients are added or processing takes place, scales change altogether. Labels on processed foods can be tricky and should not be trusted to indicate just how much of the calorie punch the food packs. Natural is always best and most trustworthy.
Osteoarthritis comes with quite an amount of pain associated. Consumption of this wonder fruit helps relieve the pain that osteoarthritis causes. This fruit also contains properties that help reduce inflammation and pain commonly associated with arthritis.
Tanning contained in this fruit are also useful in keep a clean and healthy digestive system. This substance also helps prevent bacteria that would otherwise be found in the urinary tract from growing. A cup of this fruit will read 80 on the calorie count but contains up to 5 grams of essential fiber.
This fruit perishes quickly and therefore, only the amount that will be consumed in a couple of days should be purchased at a time. They can however be consumed frozen as a substitute to other frozen snacks. Considering the amount of calories in blueberries, this sounds like a better alternative.
These fruits, according to history, used to be mixed and then boiled in milk by early Americans in order to be used to paint their houses grey. Mixed with milk, indigo and sage, they also used to produce the color blue for some houses as well. In the US, these fruits are quite popular. They come a close second only to another popular berry, the strawberry.
When frozen, the amount remains close to the fresh fruit per cup. The fruit can be frozen or thawed during consumption. The frozen fruit offers another great way to enjoy a snack while keeping the calorie and sugar intakes at a low level.
One amazing fact about this fruit is its content that includes antioxidant properties. These antioxidants include thocyanine and phonolics that are useful in getting rid of any toxins in the body. As such, the antioxidants help in fighting fat in the long run. This fruit also has a substance known as anthocyanine that actually gives it the dark blue color. This substance is essential in the antioxidant capabilities of the fruit as well as its ability to reduce inflammation.
An important point to note is that even the lowest calorie food is only good when it is in its natural state. The moment preservatives or other ingredients are added or processing takes place, scales change altogether. Labels on processed foods can be tricky and should not be trusted to indicate just how much of the calorie punch the food packs. Natural is always best and most trustworthy.
Osteoarthritis comes with quite an amount of pain associated. Consumption of this wonder fruit helps relieve the pain that osteoarthritis causes. This fruit also contains properties that help reduce inflammation and pain commonly associated with arthritis.
Tanning contained in this fruit are also useful in keep a clean and healthy digestive system. This substance also helps prevent bacteria that would otherwise be found in the urinary tract from growing. A cup of this fruit will read 80 on the calorie count but contains up to 5 grams of essential fiber.
This fruit perishes quickly and therefore, only the amount that will be consumed in a couple of days should be purchased at a time. They can however be consumed frozen as a substitute to other frozen snacks. Considering the amount of calories in blueberries, this sounds like a better alternative.
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