The Main Weight Loss Surgery Options Fort Worth TX Have

By Helene Norris

There are many people out there who are struggling with obesity. Some individuals have actually tried all recommended practices without any positive results. Medical and scientific research in the past years has concentrated on offering such people reliable treatment opportunities. This has brought about several weight loss surgery options Fort Worth TX hospitals can provide to the residents.

Individuals can always go for gastric sleeve when they are looking for long-term options. This procedure does not involve the use of implants or even rerouting of the intestines. Instead, it employs the use of laparoscopic techniques to get rid of as much as 60% of the volume of the stomach. The portion left is small and can only accommodate small amounts of food.

Patients that have recovered can seek additional procedures. Gastric banding, and in some cases gastric bypass, is normally performed to increase the efficiency of weight loss. However, these additional surgeries should only be performed upon the consent of a bariatric surgeon.

There is also the choice of gastric banding. This is a minimally invasive procedure. A silicone gastric band that has an inflatable inner collar is placed around the upper gut. This limits food intake by creating a small pouch and a constricted channel to the lower stomach. This delays the food and one constantly feels full. The size of the band can be changed over time.

Because the procedure uses laparoscopy, only small incisions can be made into the stomach as opposed to cutting one large hole. There are only to techniques used in this treatment that have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. The most available is the Lap-Band System, but the Realize Band is also becoming quite common.

There is also the choice of gastric bypass. Although this is a long-term option, it offers very quick results. Laparoscopic techniques are again used here to reduce the size of the stomach. This leads to a smaller pouch on the side that can hold less food. The intestines are then redirected to enter into this section.

The patient can stay for many hours without taking food, as he/she will be feeling full. In most cases, significant results are noticed just within 24 months. By five years, the individual should have a stable body size that can be maintained in the long-term.

If one has undergone gastric bypass and he/she still feels the need to lose more weight, then they can go for revisional bypass. Some patients may continue to increase in size even after the surgery. This procedure, therefore, can help them curb further gains. It simply employs endoscopic surgical techniques to reduce the size of the new pouch, which may enlarge with time.

Gastric plication is also another choice under minimally invasive surgeries. The stomach can be reduced to hold just three ounces of food. This is one of the safest procedures as it is reversible and does not involve any implants into the body. Moreover, the intestines are not redirected in any way.

These are the main weight loss surgery options Fort Worth TX residents have. However, people are different. Therefore, before you decide on what you want, you need a series of tests from a reliable bariatric surgeon.

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