Popular Diets: Atkins Diet

By Rey Vetangelo

To most people, sitting at a desk all day crates a huge barrier to staying fit. But to the creative or determined mind, that doesn't have to be the case. There are plenty of effective ways to keep active while at work, even at a desk job. Here are a few tips and suggestions of how you can improve your heath when working at a desk.

Weight loss surgery is an effective option for some, but insurance companies have strict regulations on who qualifies, what steps are required to qualify, and how long they need to wait for their surgery. Those who are interested but do not qualify may become interested in medical tourism, allowing them to receive the same weight loss surgery for a much lower cost and without lengthy wait times. There are several obesity clinics in Mexico that cater to Americans who are not able to receive weight loss surgery domestically because of its prohibitive costs.

So what other options are available? One popular diet that can be very effective in rapid weight loss is the Atkins Diet, more formally called the Atkins Nutritional Approach.

Even when you are chained to the desk there are few things you can do. Stand up often, maybe when you are on the phone or discussing ideas with a co-worker. Get up for quick water breaks and replace in-house phone calls or text messages with an actual visit.

This triggers the production of insulin which turns the glucose in the blood into energy, and reduces the blood sugars back to a normal level. This process is especially pronounced when eating simple carbohydrates, high fructose corn syrup, and refined sugars.

There are little things that you can always do on the go. For instance you can always use those grip strengtheners even when you are driving in the car. Also you can always park a little further from the store and get a little bit of a leg work out if you need to.

If you travel for your company, there are a lot of opportunities you can take advantage of. For instance, at the airport, talk a brisk walk around the terminal while you wait. Choose hotels that offer exercise facilities or locations where walking around outside will be safe. Enjoy walking around the city you are visiting whenever possible.

Dieters who stick to the Atkins diet may experience health benefits such as reduced blood pressure, reduced cholesterol, increased energy, more mobility, and greater peace of mind and overall enjoyment of life.

This question is controversial among health professionals. There are some changes that happen when practicing the Atkins diet that may have negative health impacts. However, it is important to also consider the negative impacts of prolonged obesity as well. If you are interested in the Atkins diet, consult with your healthcare professional and find out if it could be a good fit for you.

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