Knoxville Chiropractic Care Helps Relieve Back Pain Safely

By Jeanie Habib

When you are in pain, it makes all of life's problems more intense and more difficult to deal with. Back problems may be preventing you from enjoying simple things in life and you may not be able to sleep. With the help of a Knoxville chiropractor, back pain relief may be easier than you think.

If you have to take pain pills (for your back) just to make it through the day, this can create a lot of problems. For one thing, many common pain medications are hard on the stomach and over time can actually cause the stomach to become irritated and bleed. Even if you take certain medications with food, you can still end up with long term digestive problems.

Some people find relief with the help of invasive procedures like injections into the spine. A cortisone shot can get rid of pain and be effective for reducing swelling, but there is always the risk of developing an infection at the injection site. In addition, if the medical professional is not experienced, an injection may damage nerves and complications like dizziness and headaches may sometimes develop.

When pain is chronic, many people turn to surgery. However, chiropractic philosophy teaches that surgery should only be used as a last resort. Many complications can arise from surgery including problems with anesthesia. There is also the risk of paralysis in some cases.

Your Knoxville chiropractic doctor understands the importance of natural therapy for pain relief. You are not given drugs, injections, or surgical procedures. You will receive an examination and the benefit of effective natural therapy.

If you are interested in natural pain relief your chiropractic professional is there to help. Call the office and you can talk to someone to set up an appointment for a consultation. Bring medical details with you, as you will be asked to supply information for new patients. This might take several minutes, so plan to arrive a bit early.

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