What One Should Know About Recording Pulse Oximeter

By Annabelle Holman

Pulse oximetery helps to record two important pieces of information about patients. These two pieces of data are the rate at which the heart beats and the percentage of blood oxygen saturation. This method is considered non-invasive because no kind of penetration is done to the body. Patients who are under CPAP therapy for apnea can use a recording pulse oximeter to determine how effective the efficiency is.

According to research blood oxygen percentage drops at night when apnea activities are taking place. Oximeters with recording functionalities can record such drops for use in comparing with previous recordings. Variations in the comparisons can be based on to determine the efficiency of therapy. Additional features in oximeters with recording capabilities make it worthwhile to own one of these devices. For instance, one can determine their heart rate and saturation of oxygen in blood on the spot.

Instant checking of the two parameters assists one to determine the effects of changes in air pressure and altitude on brain functions. The parameters are also normally a concern to individuals taking part in strenuous activities such as exercise. Before buying an oximeter, the buyer should check the presence of following features.

The display should be the first factor to consider when making a purchase. In ordinary devices with LED displays, heart rate and concentration of blood O2 are the only pieces of information displayed. However, additional information is presented on the screen in a better display in complex devices. Most common additional information includes perfusion index, battery level indicator, pulse waveform, various menus, and pulse meter. Different functions are opened by the menus depending on the brand of the gadget.

A good device should also have the alarm function. Alarm function is important in warning the patient when certain threshold values have been reached. Normally the user has the freedom of setting their own threshold. The user can therefore be warned when their heart beat or blood oxygen concentration rises or falls below a given pre-determined level. Another alarm function is for warning the user when the battery level falls below a certain level.

Oximeters may have one of the two major kinds of batteries. The major battery types in use today are the standard alkaline and rechargeable lithium ion. The lithium ion type can be recharged by electricity when it gets discharged. Because of this, lithium ion batteries are considered cost effective and durable unlike the un-rechargeable alkaline types. Both alkaline and lithium ion batteries can be used in some models of oximeters. This allows users some level of flexibility in their choices.

One must never ignore comfort in the device. The user should be comfortable with how tightly the device fits on the area of attachment. Clip-based devices that are attached to the finger should be comfortable even after being used for hours especially at night. One can switch the fingers if discomfort is felt.

Extra functionalities can be checked after one ensures that all important functions are present. A device that can wirelessly have all real time values transmitted to the computer on which the software that accompanies the oximeter is installed is better off. Third parties like caregivers can gain from such capabilities.

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