What To Consider When Choosing Dementia Nursing Homes Phoenix AZ

By Young Lindsay

The term dementia refers to the wide category of mental illnesses that cause memory loss, loss of motor skills, and loss of judgment among other intellectual functions. This occurs if neurons suffer permanent damage or die. Alzheimers disease is the major ailment that causes dementia in people aged sixty five and above. The other things that can cause this condition include stroke, head injuries and long term use of alcohol.

People suffering from dementia can receive special care in a nursing home that cares for people with mental illnesses. Such a care home ensures that the basic personal needs of residents such as bathing, meals, taking medication and going to the bathroom are taken care of so that they can live more meaningfully. When searching for dementia nursing homes Phoenix AZ residents should consider a few things.

One of the things to consider is whether a nursing home offers person centered care. This approach aims to see a patient as an individual instead of focusing on his or her illness or the abilities he or she has lost. Person centered care takes the unique qualities, interests, needs and preferences of residents into account in order to bring out the best out of them.

It is also important to consider if the staff members of a nursing home are able to identify the emotional needs of residents and respond to their needs in an understanding manner. You should find out whether they are able to care for patients with mental ailments, understand what they are going through and able to help them explain their wishes or needs. You should also find out if the staff members are available to listen to the needs of residents.

The other characteristic of a good care home is the ability to treat residents with dignity and respect. Every individual who is living in a nursing facility should have an individual care plan that summarizes how staff can maintain and encourage the unique strengths of residents while meeting their needs for support. This plan should be reviewed regularly.

Considering the physical environment of a nursing home is also important. Good care homes are homely and comfortable. Although care homes that are very tidy and hotel like may be appealing to first time visitors, people suffering from mental conditions often need to have items that stimulate their interest in the place they reside. Therefore, a care home that has pictures, objects on furniture and provides residents with an opportunity to carry out household chores such as dusting chairs and folding towels is suitable.

You should also look for a care home that offers easy access to various areas. The spaces should be clearly laid out and have signs in order to reduce the confusion that residents can feel at times. It is also important to choose a care home that encourages residents to spend time outside since natural light, fresh air and exercise can improve their well being.

When choosing a nursing home, you should also consider if it is a good location. Consider how easy it is for visitors to get there and whether they are welcomed at any time. You should also find out if there are facilities like shops, parks or clubs nearby. Such facilities are suitable for residents who enjoy going out. Consider also if there is noise from traffic or anything else.

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